Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice network RDS@Pitt together. There are two types of communities of practice, thematic — which center societal challenges and approaches that leverage many distinct responsible data science approaches and tools — and infrastructural — which focus on educational, research, or ethical and responsibility structures that cut-across multiple themes.

Communities of Practice must have an identified leader, at least one additional liaison who can aid with the organization of the community, an interdisciplinary team. If thematic, the Community of Practice must have a high-profile topic that can be impacted positively by our broad definition of responsible data science.

If you would like to apply to be an RDS@Pitt thematic Community of Practice, please email Associate Vice Provost Michael Colaresi with a 500-1,000 word statement of intent that

  1. Lays out the thematic vision, mission, and goals for the proposed community, why it is important, how it relates to responsible data science, and what obstacles need to be overcome for the community to accomplish its goals;
  2. Clearly identifies the leader and the liaisons who will coordinate with research, education, and responsibility infrastructure groups;
  3. Contains a membership list that includes members from at least three different units across campus who have demonstrated interested in the proposed community's work; and
  4. Shares a timeline of activities, events, and/or publications that members have produced either individually, in subsets, or as a whole related to the topic or infrastructure.

Communities of Practice receive administrative support and resources to grow the impact of the community as well as to run events.

The leaders of the Communities of Practice, along with the Associate Vice Provost for Data Science, comprise the Steering Committee for RDS@Pitt. We anticipate supporting three thematic Communities of Practice in our initial round.


In progress


In progress